The natural game
We believe in simplicity and spontaneity. Just being in nature is often exciting enough for younger children.
Using nature as a playground
By the babbling brook or along the ravine, your imagination will run wild. There are the climbing trees, the river, the beach, the waterfalls, the picnic areas, the climbing slopes and the animal tracks.
If you want to go on a bigger adventure, the trails further out into the wilderness are close at hand. Day hike or take your bike out on the trails. Land at a lovely rest stop and enjoy. It is not that difficult and it provides wonderful experiences and often memories for life.
With a tent or cabin tour you will then get further out into our beautiful nature. Just remember that it doesn’t have to be the long distances that make the grand tour.
In our sports department, we can help you find the right oasis for you.
Get out and play.